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The Main Task of Marine Cargo Survey Indonesia

The Main Task of Marine Cargo Survey Indonesia

The Main Task of Marine Cargo Survey Indonesia

Marine cargo survey Indonesia is another name for Marine Surveyor Indonesia. By definition, Marine Cargo Surveyor is someone with the expertise or competence to conduct a survey of a type of cargo and provide correct data about the condition of the cargo in a professional manner.

Marine cargo survey in Indonesia is generally an essential part of all work related to marine surveys and have backgrounds from several different disciplines. The types of disciplines are as follows:

  • Nautical Science Discipline

Cargo maintenance and breakdown, casualty investigation, drafts, navigation, and safety equipment

  • Engineering Discipline

Engine Structure and Hull of Ship

  • Yacht Discipline

Wood construction, GRP, Alloy, Steel and ferrocement

  • The discipline of Naval Architects

Stability, structure, and Design

From the explanation of the disciplines above, it can be explained further about the types of surveyors and what they survey. Surveyors are required to understand what they are doing.

Basically, Marine Surveyors have expertise in the hull and ship machinery (ship operations and repairs). Some people also work in the field of cargo claim surveyors, such as coffee, tea, cocoa, rattan, steel, oil, and others.

Marine Cargo Survey Indonesia

The cargo surveyor should ideally come from a Deck Officer or seafarer who is given additional knowledge to support his survey work, such as Chemistry, engineering, electronics, law, insurance, and others. Experience in industry and business is essential background for this cargo surveyor when they are in the shipping business because the cargo on the ship is varied, so the knowledge of this surveyor is vital so that the cargo does not get damaged when sailing at sea. This also relates to cargo insurance to be transported.

Not infrequently, cargo surveyors from a particular company work for and under the interests of one party, for example, Cargo Owner, Carrier (transporter or shipping company), Stevedoring Company, Marine Insurance Company, Charterer, and others. Nowadays, Independent Cargo Surveyors who work professionally on behalf of interested parties are more popularly used.

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What A Marine Cargo Surveyor Must Do

Marine Cargo Survey Indonesia as a cargo surveyor, has several main tasks that must be carried out, as follows:

1. Cargo space survey

The cargo space can be in the form of hold rooms, tanks, containers, bulk cargo spaces, and others. The first thing to do is to conduct a survey on whether the loading space is ready to be loaded. In this case, there are several things that must be checked, namely:

  • Hygiene of hatches, tanks, containers, or others
  • Fumigate the room so that it is free from CRAWLING, INSECT, FLYING INSECT, Deratting Certificate, and others
  • Heating coil for cargo to be heated and reefer room for cargo to be cooled
  • Load lashing
  • BILGES WELLS and ROSE BOXES in the cargo hold
  • Air pipes and fittings

2. Load survey

The survey is carried out at the time of loading and unloading, including the condition of the load. The load conditions that must be surveyed are:

  • Broken, wet, leaking, torn, cracked, dented
  • Sticky to each other, crumbled because of the wrong arrangement/compaction
  • Lack of maintenance so that the sweat of the ship and the sweat of the cargo arise
  • Wrong in using loading and unloading tools, for example, Sling
  • Separation of DELICATE CARGO with ODORUS CARGO
  • Separation and Dunnahe charge
  • Separating cold cargo according to its type and dangerous goods according to class.

3. Cargo damage report

This is a cargo report where there is a possibility of being returned to land if the damage endangers people, ships, and other cargo. The points surveyed are:

  • During loading or unloading, damage to the load may occur due to ROUGH HANDLING by workers and others
  • At sea, there can be damage to the cargo due to bad weather, so the ship experiences ROLLING PITCHING / YAWING, and the cargo moves
  • A leak in the tank or hatch cover can damage the cargo.

4. Survey report

Survey reports must be made accurate and fast so that they can be trusted by related parties in any business that uses marine survey services in it.

Because in marine survey services for loading supervision, the results of the survey report on the amount of cargo and the quality of the cargo surveyed by the Marine Cargo Survey Indonesia become the benchmark for the B/L (Bill of Lading) number so based on the surveyor’s report figures, the seller collects an invoice to the buyer.

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The presence of Marine Cargo Surveyor Indonesia as a business partner in running the economy indirectly plays a role in advancing the Indonesian economy.

Marine Cargo Survey Indonesia is a third party in business transactions, as an independent party trusted by both the seller and the buyer to report the results of survey reports on cargo and ships properly and correctly according to the actual situation.

If you need Marine Cargo Survey Indonesia services, you can consider PT TRIBHAKTI INSPEKTAMA.

With more than 30 years of experience from the best professional experts in their fields, TRIBHAKTI offers the main service as a service provider providing Inspection, Supervision, Certification, Verification, and Laboratory Analysis, to create accurate results with the most efficient time.

TRIBHAKTI has expanded into many sectors and is not limited to coal mining, metals, minerals, cargo, marine, agriculture, oil, and chemical industries.