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What are Fuel Surveyor and Lab Analysis?

What are Fuel Surveyor and Lab Analysis?

What are Fuel Surveyor and Lab Analysis?

To know,  what are Fuel surveyor and lab analysis, we need to learn about fuel surveys or bunker surveys; it is called a bunker because it contains multiple subjects of fuel to be surveyed.

It is an examination of the ship’s fuel to determine its total onboard quantity or ROB, Remaining On Board, of fuel oil such as Marine fuel oil (MFO), Marine gas oil (MGO), high sulfur fuel oil (HSFO), low sulfur fuel oil (LSFO), or low sulfur marine diesel oil (LSMDO).

Bunker or fuel surveys are mainly carried out by visual observations about the general data and ideas by measurement, fact-finding, and technical matters and also provide a recommendation.

It is to measure and deduct the quantity of bunker on board at a specific time and produce a report containing the amount of bunker, Diesel Oil (DO), and Fuel Oil (FO) when sometimes lubricant oil (LO) is also included.

Who is the bunker surveyor? It is the person that has a license of valid bunker surveyor from the appropriate authority, and also the person who conducts the survey of the said bunker and is expected to be well educated, independent, and have an excellent manner of professionalism. Fuel surveys are called bunker surveys, and fuel surveyors are called bunker surveyors.

What Is The Purpose? Fuel Surveyor and Lab Analysis

The purpose of the survey is to determine the quantity of bunker OBQ and onboard quantity at the time of the study. Even though the drop in oil price led to a fall in the operational cost of a vessel, bunker fuel, when the more expensive distillate is used in the ECA or emission control area, remains a significant component of the operation cost.

No matter the fuel, it still needs to be measured by density because all fuel is bought by weight, but it is delivered by volume.

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There’s where the bunker/ fuel surveyor and lab analysis come in. It is essential to make sure that the quantity of the product delivered and on the board quantity of the vessel is also measured and calculated correctly.

Sometimes even using a mass flow meter (MFM), the quantity difference will continue to exist because the receiving vessel’s quantity is based on manual measurement and calibration. At the same time, the bunker/fuel tanker’s amount delivered will be based on a mass flow meter’s reading.

Appointing The Right And Well-Equipped Surveyor

It’s not funny to send someone inexperienced into the field; indeed, the client will want a fuel surveyor and lab analysis that is experienced, adequately equipped, and well-trained.

They will also have professional and calibrated equipment, including gauging tape and an electronic thermometer, a flashlight, sufficient seals, oil indicating paste, papers, a multi-gas detector for safety, and sample bottles.

A surveyor will need to correctly measure the vessel’s non-nominated and nominated tanks, including settling, overflow tanks and services, and any tank space related to the bunker receiving system.

While also taking the temperatures from all the tanks when it is possible to access them. With that, after thoroughly inspecting the measurement, the surveyor can determine the data of the bunker and prevent it from any indication of manipulation in bunker quantity.

Another context is that the surveyor has the capability to help the chief engineer in determining the safety of the bunker tanker securely moored. It can be safely accessed from the vessel to the bunker tanker and the other way around as well by lowering the pilot ladder or by gangway.

The fuel surveyor and lab analysis will also have a thorough survey on the hoses and deduct if they are well supported. It follows the relevant international standards of the tanker hose being safely connected with the right amount of bolts.

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Sample Acquiring And Documentation

After the measurement, quantity, and quality checking around the bunker and the bunker’s equipment, the surveyor will take a representative sample from the bunker with the proper sampling device.

The sample bottle must be sealed and labeled before being sent to the appropriate parties. Collecting the sample as a professional must be witnessed and documented throughout the collection process and adequately handled.

The sample will be the crucial evidence that there’s ever a bunker dispute with the fuel surveyor and lab analysis post as an independent third-party verification and protection for the customer’s legal matters.

BDN (A Bunker Delivery Note), will be signed after all of the bunker operations are complete after double-checking the work.

Strict Code Of Practice

Surveyors need to follow the BQS code of practice while conducting their survey work and ensure it’s up to par with the standard bunker/ fuel survey code.

Supervisors will regularly conduct audits to ensure strict quality control and that the surveyors follow the procedures using the right equipment, whether they’re happy or satisfied with the service provided by the attending surveyor.

The presence of a professional surveyor is needed since bunkers are sold by weight but then delivered in volume and need to be ensured that the correct quantity is correctly delivered.

A good honest, and experience surveyor will prevent the supplier from employing the tricks of the trade to cheat the buyers because the investigation is on board strict with the rule.

It is clearly essential to hire the right fuel surveyor and lab analysis for you, and PT Tribhakti Inspektama is a reliable, professional, trusted surveyor for you. Click on the link and contact us now.