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List of Mining Companies in Southeast Sulawesi

List of Mining Companies in Southeast Sulawesi

List of Mining Companies in Southeast Sulawesi

Mining companies in Indonesia are certainly one of the most important sectors because they can support various factors in the life of the state. The mining companies in Southeast Sulawesi are the most numerous compared to other regions.



Mining is a series of activities in the context of efforts to search, excavate, process, and sell minerals such as coal, minerals, nickel, oil and gas, and so on. Mine itself is a place where mining activities occur.

The existence of mining companies in Indonesia will produce natural resources and mineral content such as the management of metal mineral fuels to rocks. The activities of mining companies are numerous.

Starting from research, investigation, exploration, refining, study, transportation, to sales. All of these natural resource management activities are carried out by the mining industry. Of course, a series of processes in the industry will be carried out based on mining science.

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North Konawe Regency is one of the areas with the most nickel mining companies in Southeast Sulawesi. In addition, there are still many companies with other mining products. For that, make sure to listen to some of the lists of these mining companies below:


It is one of the nickel mining companies that has obtained a permit from the government to produce nickel in 2022. The PT will even produce nickel up to 1,080,000 wmt. All nickel production itself will also be marketed to the domestic market.

This is also included as one of the government’s recommendations in banning the export of nickel ore. This company will later carry out mining activities in North Sulawesi Province. Its activities cover technical, environmental, labor, and other aspects.

2. PT Adhikara CIPTA MULIA

One other company that is also engaged in the mining industry is PT Adhikara Cipta Mulia. The mining company in Southeast Sulawesi will take advantage of existing natural resources. Be it part or all of the activities in the context of management and research.

The company will also carry out mining, exploration, processing, refining, transportation, sales, and post-mining activities. This company itself certainly adds to the list of mining companies in Indonesia.


Did you know that Southeast Sulawesi is a paradise for entrepreneurs. How not, based on data from the ESDM Office of the Province of Southeast Sulawesi, there is a potential nickel reserve of 97 billion tons with a nickel distribution area of ​​489 thousand hectares.

One of the mining companies in the province is PT Alam Raya Indah. This mining company in Southeast Sulawesi is engaged in the mining industry so that its mining activities will continue to be carried out by the company.


Including as one of the mining companies in Southeast Sulawesi in Indonesia. This company already owns a number of mining areas and is spread across the country. Starting from Maniang Island, Kec. Wundulako, Kab. Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi. There are also in the district. Pomalaa, Kab. Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi Province.

In addition, it is also located in Asera and Molawe Districts, Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. Finally, there is one located in Maba District, East Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province. No wonder it is the largest company in Indonesia.


Apart from the companies above, there are many other mining companies in Southeast Sulawesi that are also engaged in the nickel industry. It is not surprising that the province is included as the area with the most potential as a mining location.

One of them is PT Makmur Lestari Primatama. The company is located in Langgikima District, North Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. The mining company area in Southeast Sulawesi reaches 407 hectares.


The next mining company in Southeast Sulawesi in Indonesia is PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. This company is engaged in the nickel mining industry. Vale itself operates on foreign investment. The company’s operating area has even reached 118,017 hectares.

Precisely in Central Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, to Southeast Sulawesi. The company itself also often carries out rehabilitation and reclamation at former mining sites. This is done as a form of concern for the local community and the surrounding environment.

Also read: Know How Coal Is Formed To Become Fuel


As you know, there are many mining businesses already established in Indonesia. Of course, this mining company in Southeast Sulawesi will provide its own role and benefits in a country. To be more clear, then consider some of the full benefits below:


It should be noted that the process from the beginning to the end of mining will absorb a lot of manpower. In addition, various qualifications of abilities from the highest to the lowest are required in order to run the mining company.

Not surprisingly, this can help provide employment opportunities. The reason is, a mining activity does require so many people who are involved in the field. In addition, it also involves various related expertise.


The mining industry in Indonesia generally includes 17 materials. Starting from gold, coal, iron ore, asphalt, nickel, tin, and many others. Moreover, in every order of life this nation is also affected by the mining sector as well as its derivative industries.

Of course, there are not a few areas where the economy is increasing and even supported by the mining. An example is a mining company in Southeast Sulawesi, which is one of the areas with quite a lot of mining locations.


The existence of mining will also cause transportation routes in various areas to be more wide open. Of course the path can be accessed by the public more easily. Besides being able to advance the field of transportation, it can also advance the field of communication.

This is none other than because various communication transmitting towers will be built. Of course its existence can provide benefits to mining companies. In addition, it can also be useful for the surrounding community.


The existence of activities in the mining sector will later allow people to enjoy everyday materials and goods produced by their own country. This mining itself will certainly balance the percentage of imports and exports of goods in the country.

That way, the presence of mining companies in Indonesia can certainly help cut import costs. Moreover, Indonesia does have a lot of natural resources that can be utilized so there is no need to continue to depend on imports from other countries.

That was a complete explanation of various mining companies in Southeast Sulawesi. With the presence of the company, it will certainly provide benefits for various parties. However, of course, its activities need to get government permission.