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Oil And Gas Inspection Companies in Indonesia

Oil And Gas Inspection Companies in Indonesia

Oil And Gas Inspection Companies in Indonesia

Assets and infrastructure in the oil and gas inspection demand low failure rates to protect the environment and stay profitable. Ironically stated since oil and gas assets are a heavy subject to be the most constantly used and exposed to the elements.

The oil and gas inspection industry operate according to strict regulations and standards to keep equipment running smoothly and efficiently while maintaining a safe workplace.

To maximize the working lifespan of the equipment and maintain regular compliance, oil and gas inspection companies must perform constant inspections. Effective means of inspecting the assets and infrastructure in the fields are using nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques. This will allow the inspector to accurately assess equipment conditions without taking the equipment out of service.

What Is NDT?

Like the name shake, NDT is nondestructive testing implemented to do the safest testing method/ techniques. There is more than one NDT method being utilized in the oil and gas inspection industry.

The best method is the one addressing the issues regarding safety and equipment reliability as well as government regulations and environmental protections.

NDT Service

A. Equipment that transports petroleum products, such as pipelines, can be inspected without structural changes.

B. Equipment does not distribute during an NDT process, so there’s no need to interrupt or shut down any operations.

Other known methods of NDT are visual inspections, thermography, laser shearography, ultrasonic techniques, radiography, eddy current testing, acoustics, and microwaves. Like in all the lists of things, the most popular method will always be used.

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Visual Inspections

This is the easiest and most inexpensive way to detect equipment defects and flaws in the oil and gas inspections industry. A trained technician will most likely detect incorrect structural installations, corrosion development, imminent structural collapse, cracks, and welding flaws.


This method, radiography, utilizes gamma rays (electromagnetic radiations), or an X-ray, to do an examination of the internal structure and integrity of the equipment.

This method is used because of the short wavelength that can penetrate and travel through a structural material like metallic alloys and steel.

Radiography is very useful for inspecting pressure vessels and welds on pipelines, which is another thing why this method is making the in the oil and gas inspection industry.

It is also helpful in inspecting nonmetallic materials such as ceramics and concrete; this method will require following instructions according to the safety regulations.

Ultrasonic Techniques

It’s in the name of the ultrasonic techniques utilizing sound waves above the audible range for the human ear, which is between 50 kHz to 50 MHz frequencies. The piezo-electric effect of the ultrasonic transducer is what makes it possible to receive and transmit from within the equipment.

The instrument plays a part in inspecting the equipment’s internal structure and detecting the thickness changes, cracks, welds, delaminations, voids, and any type of structural defect or another type of material.

The flaw of this method is that the evaluations and acquisition depend on the technician’s expertise, and it will be harder to arrive at nonsubjective precision and readings.

Acoustic Emissions

Another method in the NDT list to check and apply to the oil and gas inspections industry is the acoustic emissions that detect the existence of rarefaction waves brought on by pipeline leaks.

How the method works are when a fluid leak occurs, there are harmful pressure waves disseminated in both directions within the pipeline.


This method of inspection measures the difference between the temperature of the surrounding environment and the pipeline. This measurement will help to detect a leakage of oil or gas and any defects in the pipeline insulation.

The pairing of this technique and a drone service will make this method of inspection even more efficient and cost-effective.

Added to the list above are other specific inspections that might be just as important, including pressure vessel inspections, material inspections, drilling, and pipeline inspections, welding inspections, and crane and lifting equipment inspections.

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Oil And Gas Inspection Companies in Indonesia Benefit

It is the most critical component in the industry; as already said, the oil and gas industry operates according to strict regulations and standards to keep equipment running smoothly and efficiently while maintaining a safe workplace and protecting the environment. Faulty and any errors can lead to dangerous accidents that lead to massive profit loss and are hazardous to workers.

Following the rule is what needs to be done, it is essential to comply with the industry standard and regulations, ensuring the safety of the workers and environment, and in this article, we introduced you to the most common way to do an inspection in the oil and gas industry and the list of things that it is that we should do and the right thing by applying it.

When you have manufacturing factories located in a different country, sending an inspector during all the stages of project cycles like the on-land drilling, will be difficult. But with carefully selected personnel and years of experience, PT Tribhakti Inspektama is one of the most reliable and trusted inspectors. Contact us now and let us be the oil and gas inspections with the best service; click on that link and find out more.